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It is precisely because the documents before submitting a formal declaration of war, it launched an offensive, jī the whole country from the U.S. extremely indignant. The next morning, Roosevelt proposed to Congress a war coach outlet online 's message, yesterday, on the vertical and the United States, it is a day of humiliation, cheap coach factory outlet surprise attack by the Navy and Air Force premeditated ! After Roosevelt took more than five hundred words, talk to the entire Pacific region launched a sudden attack of the background and its consequences, they asked for a declaration of war, Congress conducted a vote, only one vote against it by a declaration of war against Japan.

Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill explained, cheap coach outlet seems to feel part of the public between now war with war with Germany, still irresistible hand to make that distinction. Roosevelt awaits Hitler stand. But very surprisingly, Hitler had not had time position, the Nanjing government has made ​​its position clear lead. Su warlords to conquer Asia and the Pacific to dominate its policy. Since the Mukden Incident, China desperate sacrifice, continued the war, its purpose is not only to defend the survival of China 's independent, real yù break the aggressive ambitions, maintenance of public international law, justice and human welfare and world peace, the Chinese government declared many times also.

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