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Cai burning almost dropped torpedoes,jordan sneakers, while behind the two torpedo bombers dropped torpedoes. In the air, the Air Force's nine dive bombers began bombing. Japanese navy at the moment into confusion, three in five hundred meters from the launch torpedoes, simply can not avoid all the more worse, those b2 dive bombers overhead, it is taking advantage of the destroyer Eluding ignore the head when launched the sudden attack ! Almost instantaneous, three torpedo hit the ship in two moon -level air defense destroyers, one of which directly ugg skor rea hit the engine room, the enemy was struck by lightning a few violent earthquake shaking.

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Pong month destroyer followed the successful bidder,cheap jordan sneakers, torpedoed the moment, a group of ship stern rises at the huge white column of water, the ship stern instantly raised a few meters of seawater, strange sprang up, the next second, upturned drop ship stern jerked back the sea, is to avoid the air raids near May Speed ​​suddenly slowed down, then began to circle the same place. Sky dive bombers and torpedo planes can not miss this rare opportunity, along with two air torpedoes and six five hundred kilograms of air projectile hit the target level, near May also soon disappeared.


