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Several villages are too far away from each other,fifa ultimate team coins, the Royal Village Datun less than ten miles from ground water, so Shang Yi side command reconnaissance team concept bandits continue to closely monitoring the movements of a report done for the. Although not part of the Royal Datun Village Link groups of three and four royal brother usually run rampant, very high-handed, but after all the village folks, we said flat against the head inside to see the rise, not to mention common lot of the ancients have said, and Zhou Shiqi also done Yishui County magistrate who, this overall awareness is still there, so ask if you can go to the rescue Shang Yi Wang Datun.In accordance with the historical process of view, now is Chongzhen after fifteen ( 1642 ) in November, after the Qing should break through the Great Wall of defense, entry raid. Although the message has not reached the water village, but Shang Yi believes that this history is not going to change. Therefore, to enhance the combat effectiveness of a little group of soldiers, later on the Qing army, but also the ability to be able to protect themselves a little more. But Shang Yi was made ​​because the original resolution of all actions of the militia, after three villages together must negotiate in order to decide, so if the rescue had royal Datun, or shouldand Huang Shan invited to negotiate.

